Thursday, January 24, 2013

What a difference a year makes!

I have always been a girl who LOVES SHOPPING.  The past few years, I told myself that I was not going shopping because I needed to save money.  What a lie -- I was not going shopping because I was FAT!!!!  It just was not fun!  Clothes shopping depressed me because it made me come to terms with exactly how out of shape, and out of control I had let my situation get.  My situation -- not caring about myself.

Like I have said before in this blog - I finally got tired of it, and got READY to make a change -- to make myself my #1!  After years of putting myself on the back burner, it was not that easy to make myself #1.  I had people pulling from every direction -- but I had to stay focused on ME!  Today, I am so glad I did!

Yesterday, a friend and I went shopping -- and I had so much FUN!  I tried on so many clothes, smiling and laughing the whole time!  I even had the little girls who worked at the shop bringing me clothes!  This girls use to not even talk to me.  I am not to my ideal size yet (notice that I did not say weight here), but I am on my way -- and actually loving my life is more important anyway!

What a difference a year makes!  I am so in love with ME, and that allows me to love everything else even more than I ever thought possible.  In the last year I have become a better person, and my relationships have become stronger.  It has been amazing to see how making myself my #1 priority, has allowed everything else to fall into place.  A lot of things have changed, and a lot of past relationships did not survive -- and it was not easy on me.  But today I am a better person for everything that has happened in the past year.  I am alive again!   


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