Thursday, January 24, 2013

What a difference a year makes!

I have always been a girl who LOVES SHOPPING.  The past few years, I told myself that I was not going shopping because I needed to save money.  What a lie -- I was not going shopping because I was FAT!!!!  It just was not fun!  Clothes shopping depressed me because it made me come to terms with exactly how out of shape, and out of control I had let my situation get.  My situation -- not caring about myself.

Like I have said before in this blog - I finally got tired of it, and got READY to make a change -- to make myself my #1!  After years of putting myself on the back burner, it was not that easy to make myself #1.  I had people pulling from every direction -- but I had to stay focused on ME!  Today, I am so glad I did!

Yesterday, a friend and I went shopping -- and I had so much FUN!  I tried on so many clothes, smiling and laughing the whole time!  I even had the little girls who worked at the shop bringing me clothes!  This girls use to not even talk to me.  I am not to my ideal size yet (notice that I did not say weight here), but I am on my way -- and actually loving my life is more important anyway!

What a difference a year makes!  I am so in love with ME, and that allows me to love everything else even more than I ever thought possible.  In the last year I have become a better person, and my relationships have become stronger.  It has been amazing to see how making myself my #1 priority, has allowed everything else to fall into place.  A lot of things have changed, and a lot of past relationships did not survive -- and it was not easy on me.  But today I am a better person for everything that has happened in the past year.  I am alive again!   


Tuesday, January 1, 2013


INSPIRE:  1. to cause a strong feeling or reaction, usually positive; 2. to provide inspiration by being encouraging or admired

Inspire has its roots in the Latin word spirare, "to breathe." When you encourage or motivate some sort of action or provoke a feeling, you "breathe life into" something--you inspire. Inspired can also be used as an adjective. If something is described as inspired, it usually means that it is creative and has been created out of enlightened creativity.

My 2013 New Years Resolution:
This year I want to be inspired, and  I want to be an inspiration to the people around me!